
Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Its been a while since I have dont this and I shouldn't be doing it now I have a lot to do and this isn't on my list.But I am feeling inspired for what ever reason. So since my last blog my mom got very ill and passed away so thats what happen to me. I am here now and trying something new with my life.  

I am trying a schedule. I a very strict schedule. And I started going to the gym. I am terrible at that. I go on a regular basis though because I hate throwing away money and I get a short break from my baby or rather she gets a break from me. I just thought I would be able to run 3 miles right away, well not so much. Getting there though.

Kids on a schedule is working very well especially for the homeschooled child.  So I promised nothing but real life. everything isn't always perfect here but it is what is. We all have things that go wrong, but I really try to focus on the good. So my mom had LMS and did very well for 7 years and the last year she had it, it really took a toll on her the last year. She almost made it 8 years. But in July we got the news there was nothing left because the cancer took over her liver. She was very jaundice and she fought like hell. All the way till the end she was waiting for the miracle of life to save her. Not a moment goes by where she isn't on my mind, I just wish I would have told her I was trying to blog before she died. She always love my writing. I think she thought I was going to be a writer. I kind of am but no one ever sees it until now. Not sure many see it though. Oh well. Not trying to get famous, more of therapy for myself and if I can help someone cut they relate then I have done my job in life. 

My mom help many people. She spent the last 25 years of her life helping those in recovery. There were so many people at her funeral and everyone kept telling me how she helped them. Almost 300 people were there. Our family is small as I am an only child I was truly amazed buy the amount of peoples live she touched. 

I am working on getting myself on track to be the best mom and housewife I can be. I have been trying the flylady. I bought all her cleaning supplies there are great. I am having a hard time staying on task with it. But everyday I try again. 

So this has been nothing but ramble I apologize for that, hopefully next time I will be a little more solid.!! Love to anyone who reads this and remember Faith is all you need to get through it!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

So I find the best way for me to do something is to be accountable for it. I do not want to stumble upont his in a year and say I failed or gave up once again. So here is me being accountable. I am 34 years old and I have no clue how to run a household with organization. Amazingly enough I have been able to hold it together but it seems everything is always in chaos and dinners can be anywhere from 4 in the afternoon till 9 at night. I am always cleaning yet my house is always a mess. My kids are well behaved but beat to their own drum.

This week is different. I am trying to do things differently with a real plan. I have a giant white board with a schedule. I have all the daily chores written down, kids chores listed and whats for dinner. That has been working for the most part. Sticking to the eating schedule has been working sticking to the chores is working for the kids, for me, well, I am working on it. I am following and putting all my effort into it. Today is day 5 and well so far so good. Now I just need to try working this in without giving up is the key. So its almost dinner time fortunately its left overs, but I need to get it done!!!

Each day I am praying for strength to stick with it.!!!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

My First Day-Who Am I And What am I Doing Here!!!

So here I am. My kids decided that I am interesting enough to have a blog. So I figured what the heck and thought I would give it a try. Either no one will read and I will prove my kids right or someone will read and they will be right. Either way it should be fun.

First of all who am I. I am a mom, wife, daughter, friend, etc. I fit into every category that most women fit into. Which is why entitled this real life. Some things can not be made up no matter how hard you try and my life s one of them as I believe we all have an interesting story to share sometimes its just getting some one to slow long enough to hear your story. I am a big talker so many people have heard many stories about me and then on the flip side many people have told many stories about me.

I dont know how personal I will get on here. But if you ask me a question I will answer it honestly. For now I will start by telling you about my findings. Do to having a family I am always trying to find an easier faster and cheaper way to do everything!!! I am not lazy but when you have a small army to care for being more efficient is my number one priority.

Cleaning is what I do the most of. I live in a small house and there are dirt fields all around me. So in turn I get a lot of dirt in my house. Not to mention we are restoring the family home which was built in the 50's. While I love my house it takes a lot of cleaning do to dogs kids dirt cats and tractors grading the farmlands around me. I found the best way to keep my house clean is to mop sweep etc al the time. I sweep every morning every night and in between.

Recently we re-did the floors in our bedroom in bamboo. While it is beautiful it is also a chore to keep clean, especially since thats where the dog door is. Can you say piles of dirt?? Since out room has been completed I have worked on it daily to maintain. Sweeping doesn't cut it. I was using microfiber cloth mops but laundry is not something I want to add too. I even used disposable cloths and furniture polish works great but I go through way too many cloths for this to be cost effective. So today I discovered baby wipes to clean my floor. They are truely good for everything. I throw one on the floor and swish it around with broom. When its dirty I grab another one and go. Its quick and easy and fairly inexpensive. I buy wipes in the largest quantity and for sensitive skin. If its good for my babys bottom it certainly isn't going to dry out my wood floors.

Until next time!!! For now I am going to get my kids help and set this all up. Happy spring!!